Constitution of the Moray & Nairn Golf League
1. The Moray & Nairn Golf League will comprise of Elgin, Forres, Moray, Nairn and Nairn Dunbar Golf Clubs. Additional Clubs may apply for membership at the Annual General Meeting and be admitted on obtaining two-thirds approval of those Member Clubs present.
2. The Member Clubs of the Moray and Nairn Golf League may determine to admit a Club to Associate Membership of the Moray and Nairn Golf League. Those Clubs accepted may only play in competitions as determined by the Member Clubs listed in Clause 1 of the Constitution. Associate Member Clubs are entitled to send two representatives to the Annual General Meeting but these representatives do not have any voting rights, powers to submit motions, call an Extraordinary Meeting, hold Executive Office or chair the meeting in the absence of the Chairman.
3. The Moray & Nairn Golf League will hold a General Meeting annually on a date in October or November each year and at a venue as decided by the Executive Committee.
4. The Executive Committee will consist of a Chairman, Vice–Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer.
a. The positions of Chairman and Vice–Chairman will each be for a period of one year with elections being held at the Stated Annual General Meeting. Nominations duly proposed and seconded may be given at the Meeting. In the event of there being more than one nomination for either position a ballot will be held with a simple majority being required. The retiring Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be eligible for re-election.
b. The Secretary/Treasurer position will be for a period of two years with elections being held at the Stated Annual General Meeting. Nominations duly proposed and seconded may be given at the Meeting. The retiring Secretary/Treasurer will be eligible for re-election.
c. The position of Secretary/Treasurer will attract an Honorarium for the elected period of office with the amount agreed by the Member Clubs at the AGM.
5. Each Member Club will be entitled to have two representatives at the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman, Vice–Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer are in addition to any Club’s representation.
6. The Annual General Meeting will be held providing there is a quorum of five. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman or failing that a Club representative will be nominated to chair the meeting.
7. At the Annual Meeting all business will be conducted to enable the League to function including the determination of the annual entry (membership) fee. The annual fee will be due prior to the following year’s competition. The Financial Statement will be presented for the Meeting’s approval.
8. All Clubs will be entitled to twenty-eight days notice of the Annual General Meeting. All motions must be given in writing to the Secretary forty-two days before such a Meeting and a copy of which will be issued to all Clubs with notice of the Meeting.
9. An Extraordinary Meeting of the Moray & Nairn Golf League can be called if an elected representative from each of two Member Clubs gives notice to the Secretary in writing and stating the purpose of such a Meeting. The Secretary will be required to call such a Meeting at a suitable place within twenty-eight days of receiving such a notice. No other business will be conducted at that Meeting other than the stated business.
10. At a Special or General Meeting a simple majority in favour will be sufficient for any proposal to be accepted apart from (a) admission of an additional Club, (b) alteration to the Constitution of the Moray & Nairn Golf League or (c) change to the format of the League when a two-third majority will be required. Each Club representative will be entitled to one vote as are the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary/Treasurer. In the event of a tie the Chairman will have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote.
11. The Moray and Nairn Golf League will compete annually for the G.R. Thomson Shield and the Handicap League Trophy. The Shield and the Handicap Trophy will be awarded to the winning Club(s) for one year, who undertakes to keep it in a safe play and be responsible for the engraving for that year. The League will be responsible for insurance of both trophies.
Revised and approved at the Annual General Meeting on 31st October 2017